He’s back in!

by | Apr 4, 2007

I’ve been meaning to write an update about beltmeplease…. who came to see me on Friday and ended up back in the cb3000 – with me holding tightly to the keys of course! It’s been *ages* since he’s been locked so I hope he made the most of freedom 😉 because knowing my track record he’s not going to be enjoying it again for quite some time!

As he said in his lj a couple of days ago…

“1st time I was locked by Ms Servalan was on the 4/08/2004.

Up until 29/03/2007 my total days locked was 548

Total of all days since 4/8/2004 is 967.

So since introducing chastity play to Ms Servalan, I have managed to be locked over half the time. Now with this new period commences the ratio of locked days is only going to increase.”

Very true! Hahahahaha

Though we enjoy a lot of other activities in actual session beyond him being locked in chastity – this time I got to explore something I hadn’t done before… Plaster Mummification – which is the most intense level of mummification – being totally encased in plaster bandages. Even his head was totally encased with only a mouth hole for him to breathe through… I took some photos so I will have to post them…. I left him in the dark by himself for well over an hour – then came back and tormented him – rolling his helpless body around… he was rather nervous when I put a straw to his lips but it really was only water!

Of course after all that time he did need to relieve pressure on his bladder – so I made an opening and catheterised him – tilting him to make sure every drop was drained out…. total control – happy sigh

Lots of other things before he was locked in – but I have to run to session so I’ll post part one now 🙂