by | Oct 3, 2006

I really need to do a big update…

But am about to rush off to do a photo shoot with the ever talented serpentine_kiss – yay!

I had two amazing fabulous sessions on Saturday – so much fun… then gave myself a couple of days off with the phone turned off! So if anyone’s been trying to get in contact – that would be why I wasn’t answering… I needed a break from all the chat after my week of advertising 😉

I went out on Saturday night – flubbed around recovering on Sunday and went to a BBQ yesterday – where I must admit I ate far too many veggie sausages 😉 but they were so yummy!

I can’t believe how soon it is till I leave for the US – I’m so looking forward to catching up with friends in San Francisco and New York! I leave on Sunday – and will be back again on the 24th – so only away for two weeks… but after that I promise to stay home for a bit longer this time…. (do you believe me)

Oh – and it’s my birthday this Friday – so if anyone feels very brave you can come in for birthday spanks – in my world I “give” birthday spanks for my birthday – or rather birthday cane strokes 😉 hehehehe