by | Feb 13, 2005

I caught up with one of my best friends today – someone I’ve known since we were in Year Four (age 8) many many years ago! She recently had some nasty uterine cysts removed and has to have 6 weeks or so off work to recover – yucky! Lucky they weren’t cancerous – it’s pretty scary… She was staying at her parents house in North Turramurra – it was funny going to the house I used to spend so much time visiting so long ago – it hadn’t changed at all! Maybe the deodar tree in the front was a bit taller – but as it’s soooo taaaallll I doubt anyone could tell 😉

We were talking about a school reunion – last time I went to one I was Ms-Sensible-Corporate-Chick… but this time I was thinking it might be fun to see how the “married for money” North Shore Princesses react to me as the Famous Mistress!

eep – I just dropped red wine on my laptop keyboard! I had to pull it all apart to clean the drops up… all seems to be okay so I think I’m safe – phew…

I also dropped into the Dykes on Bikes tattoo and motorcycle show – deense you should have been there! You might have picked up some prizes!!

Caught up with felix_femme and grey_evil_twin as well as pinkandsparkly and crimsontide – who had just won best dressed!

Very fun 🙂