
by | Apr 29, 2004

Today was a bit of a maintenance day…

No sessions for a change!

I slept in a bit – answered some email and had breakfast with my boy in Newtown. I’ve been feeling a bit run down lately so I’m trying to be a bit healthier – a yummy juice with supplement from Viva Juice in Newtown… yummy and healthy!

I also saw my accountant – which was hysterical cause he met me in Newtown… I had put my shoebox (literally) of receipts and bank statements and all that stuff in the car – so as he was passing through I handed it all over! Very funny – it must have looked quite odd – a by the side of the road deal of some nefarious sort! He’s great though – never complains about being given a huge pile of unsorted stuff – somehow he makes it all make sense!

Then I went back to the dungeon – did some washing and rushed back to Newtown for a beautician appointment… Waxing – owwie! But overdue I must admit – my usual beautician whom I dearly love is in Darlinghurst – which I know isn’t all that far – but it’s just such a hassle to park and get organised…