Introducing the DogBox!

by | Feb 11, 2012

As I mentioned in my last update – I have a very interesting new piece of dungeon equipment – the DogBox! Yesterday I finally got around to taking some photos of it – so gathered up one of my personal slaves and a friend to capture a few images to give an idea of what it’s like.

Here I am with the slave as pup chained in the kennel… Also new is the amazing dog hood that arrived this week. Yay for toy shopping!

A better view of the fabulous dog hood – along with the padded mitts I bought at Leatherman in New York a couple of years ago…

So for anyone into human dog training the addition of a large kennel is obviously a Very Good thing, it’s also nice and a little humiliating for regular slaves who need to be chained and left there – who knows what might be put in that stainless steel dog dish *smirk*

However that’s not the only options of the DogBox – I really wanted it to be a versatile piece. It has special sliding panels that turn it from the comfy kennel into a set of stocks!

I don’t have a shot of the other option for the stocks – but I can easily secure the slave’s head into the back so he’s facing into darkness, leaving his nether regions vulnerable and exposed! Hehehee – I did this recently in session and apparently it can be a bit of a surprise when the anal electrode is inserted when least expected ;)

Or for a different option for bondage and sensory deprivation the solid end piece can be slid in and the slave locked away in the dark – this can be quite comfortable, even cozy if I put a nice soft blanket in…

But by adding panels and an extra internal lid I really reduce wriggle room and make it very restrictive indeed! I’ve found a couple of slaves – even those into heavy restrictive bondage have found this particular experience a lot more intense than they were expecting.

So much fun!

Originally published at Mistress Servalan on tour. You can comment here or there.